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A Day To Remember – 11th November 2007

Posted by cotojo on November 10, 2007


by A. Lawrence Vaincourt

I saw the soldiers marching, one drear November day,
Those heroes bold, from wars of old, in countries far away.
I heard the drums like thunder, the sound of marching feet,
As men of ancient valor marched down our little street.

I heard the skirl of bagpipes, the blare of brasses bold,
As heroes from another time relived the days of old.
The old, the halt, the lame, the slow, they marched with solemn pace,
To honor comrades fallen at another time and place.

I felt the tightness in my throat, the tears that burned my eyes,
As I watched the quiet dignity of old men marching by.
The fine young men, and women too, in battles long ago,
Who gave their youth and some, their lives,to fight our country’s foe.

On this day will be remembered by comrades who remain,
And by the heavens, weeping, with softly falling rain.
The medals softly jingling on every passing chest,
In memory of companions who’ve long been laid to rest.

There are some unfit, and some who sit, in wheelchairs, row on row,
While they recall what price was paid to turn our country’s foe.
And some will stand with tear-dimmed eyes, and some with faces grim,
While all repeat the solemn vow,

Credit: 2004 A. Lawrence Vaincourt

They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

To All My Loved Ones                     The Soldier  

Prayer for Those Whose Loved Ones Are Missing

This is not just a time to pay tribute to those who fought for our freedom during WWI and WWII, but to ALL servicemen and servicewomen around the globe who have fought in many battles since and many of whom are once again on active service.  Our thoughts and prayers will be with them too for their safe return.

For my part I shall be paying tribute to the guy who was my best buddy, we joined the service together, trained as soldiers then played our roles, dancing to the politicians tune.  I returned, my best mate didn’t.  It could have been me as we were side by side watching out for each other.

Countless others could tell the same story, the waste of another life.  Some things in life we never forget, and for me this is one that will never be forgotten.

God Bless and peace be with you.

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Posted in 11-11-2007, Life, Remembrance, The Soldier, To All My Loved Ones | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments »