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Missing Maddie – May 2009, 2 Years On and New Image

Posted by cotojo on May 2, 2009

Two years ago, on May 3rd, 2007, Madeleine McCann was abducted from the families holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal.

There has been little progress since the McCann’s were released and the charges against them dropped, and the files handed over by the Portuguese authorities had no clues to assist with the continuing investigation.

Earlier this year, the private investigators working on behalf of the McCann’s arranged to film a reconstruction of events in Praia da Luz. Gerry and Kate McCann went to Praia da Luz along with friends Jane Tanner and Matthew Oldfield who were also there on the night Maddie vanished without trace.

On May 7th at 9pm GMT, the reconstruction will be shown on UK TV and will include information that has not been made public as it was buried deep within the police files and given no significance. But there may be a clue in there somewhere to jog people’s memories.

TheΒ  programme will also feature interviews with Gerry McCann, Jane Tanner and Matthew Oldfield and will also be available on the Find Madeleine website. Negotiations are also underway to have the film broadcast across Europe and Portugal.

Missing Maddie in 2007

Missing Maddie in 2007

Madeleine was 3 years old when she disappeared shortly before her fourth birthday and this image is known worldwide as the picture of ‘Missing Maddie’.

Two years on and this little girl will have changed much in appearance and with the expertise of a forensic imaging artist from the United States’ National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children below is the ‘age progression’ photo created with computer technology and pictures of both parents at around the same age, but one thing will not have changed and that is the iris in her right eye.

Missing Maddie age progression image

Missing Maddie 'age progression' image

There is also a short video clip showing the ‘age progression on

There is also a new Poster of Support which can be downloaded from the Bring Madeleine Home website. Click the link or the image below.

Dont Give Up On Me - New Poster

Don't Give Up On Me - New Poster

This young child, along with many others, is still missing, there is no evidence to suggest otherwise and the search continues with sightings around the world but all have been false alarms.

Someone, somewhere, knows the truth of what happened on the fateful evening when Maddie disappeared. There has been no evidence to substantiate claims that the parents murdered their own daughter and what they did by leaving young children alone may have been morally wrong, but that does not mean that they were guilty as the press and prosecuters claimed at the time.

The prosecutors dropped the charges and the press payed out large sums in compensation for their wild accusations.

A Europe-wide alert system for missing children has received a Β£900,000 European Commission handout on the eve of the second anniversary of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

The Mccann’s campaigned for closer co-operation between EU States and took their case tothe European Parliament twice last year which gained support from MEPs for increased action to set up a US-style ‘Amber Alert’ early warning system.

In the US it has led to the safe return of hundreds of children when the alarm has been raised across state lines and a similar network across 27 European countries could have helped raise awareness faster about Madeleine’s apparent abduction.

The European Commission funding will be used to support work on several EU-wide projects aimed at improving joint child abduction procedures and to put into place a system in place that will transmit the pictures and details of an abducted child similar to the ‘Amber Alert’ used in the US.

European countries fail to cooperate effectively when a child goes missing and the first 72 hours are crucial.

This is still a search for a little girl who has disappeared andΒ  the witch hunt against the parents has finished, although there are still those who maintain their guilt. Until there is proof of guilt then they are innocent, this is the way the law works and it is sad that they, along with other parents have to be put through such trauma when a child disappears.

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15 Responses to “Missing Maddie – May 2009, 2 Years On and New Image”

  1. AngelBaby said

    I hope they find her soon. I feel so sorry for the parents they have been put through hell for this and they did not deserve it. Of course they should not have left their children alone that was wrong but still they did not want this to happen. Although it is a good lesson for other parents not to leave their children alone for any reason.

    Love and Blessings,

  2. Sophiagurl said

    Hi Colin, Miss you sooooo much. Happy Father’s Day my dear friend.

  3. The story behind Maddie is so sad and what saddens me further is how often horrid things are happening to our children these days – so many missing so quickly – in the blink of an eye someone has snatched them up never to be seen again. This world is so dangerous – I’m glad when I was a child life was safer and we could roam and play anywhere without worrying about it. So much more evil in the world now and it breaks my heart. Hugs to you Colin.

  4. Sophiagurl said

    hello, it seem to have been going on for the longest time…i feel for the family. How are you friend?

  5. Amber said

    Obviously since the charges against the parents were dropped, everyone should drop it also. Have some pity. This is every parents worst nightmare! God Bless these poor people, and I will pray every night for this beautiful baby’s safe return.
    Judge not least ye be judged!!!!!

  6. cotojo said

    velho – Ah, I see you are both Judge and Jury?
    I believe the phrase is ‘innocent until proven guilty’, but in your closed mind you have already decided as you know so much more than any of the investigators.
    Have you presented your ‘evidence’ to the relevant authorities? No? I wonder why?
    I don’t condone the fact that the McCann’s, along with others, left their children unsupervised, that was a mistake, but that does NOT imply guilt.
    Investigations carried out by the Portuguese authorities yielded no clues whatsoever, and it was with their permission that UK investigators and dogs were allowed to enter Praia da Luz and carry out investigations overseen by the Portuguese investigators.
    With the manpower that was used locally and the masses of paperwork which were released publicly last year, there was NO evidence against the McCann’s or their friends or Robert Murat who was also a suspect, and further enquiries in the UK could find no evidence either.
    Are you really so thick and stupid to believe that the whole thing has been covered up?
    The judicial system does not work like that!

  7. cotojo said

    Milton – Hi buddy,
    Hope all is well with you and that you have a great weekend πŸ™‚
    All the best

  8. cotojo said

    bluedreamer – I think hat many of us echo the very same sentiments.
    Hopefully there will be a happy ending to this
    Take care and have a good weekend my friend,
    All the best

  9. cotojo said

    Maunie – It is every parents nightmare and hopefully the latest publicity will find something more tabgible to work with and return Maddie to her parents.
    take care my dear friend πŸ™‚

  10. cotojo said

    RennyBA – It’s an ongoing saga and much continues to be done behind the scenes.
    Investigations continue with more fresh leads and new evidence emerging.
    have a good weekend my friend,
    All the best πŸ™‚

  11. hello colin
    just dropping by here
    have a great weekend my friend

  12. velho said

    Unbelievable. Please, Maddie’s parents. Stop with this lies.

    How about a “lie detector test” for the McCanns and their group of friends. I doubt that they would agree to that!!

    They are not so smart…soon the truth will be discovered. Maddie die os May 2007. Poor child. Anda the parents know why.

    the Mccanns are very cagey about question answering makes me suspicious ,if I had a child I would never ever leave it alone at nightand would not do immoral money fund either.

    DNA testing was done in England, the “profilers” were Ingles, the dogs that detected dead body scents were from England….how can anyone doubt they were involved??

  13. i felt pity for the kid and the parents as well
    may God bless them
    and hopefully it will end to a happy ending

  14. It brakes my heart to know that beautiful young girl is still missing. This is, of course, a parents nightmare. God Bless and I hope she is somewhere safe and can be returned to her family.

  15. RennyBA said

    What a great contribution to an unforgettable matter. It was on the news in Norway today too and also that Operah wanted to help. Let us never forget.

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