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You are Toadally Awesome Award

Posted by cotojo on February 6, 2008

Wow……I got me another award….the ‘You Are Toadally Awesome’ Award from my froggy friend Kim over at  PurpleFrogCatThank you for this wonderful honor Kim.

Kim said  ‘I have a new award to hand out..They are “toadally awesome” to me… just link back to me as to the original one who started this…Thanks alot…You can hand this out if you wish to at least 15 bloggers that “toadally awesome”…’
Please link back to Kim’s blog.
In the spirit of sharing I am passing this award on to the following 15 bloggers:
  1. Blue Ribbon Bloggers
  2. Lunes
  3. Francine
  4. Sandee
  5. Shoshana
  6. Chuck
  7. Hanna
  8. Jesie
  9. Michelle
  10. Bluedreamer
  11. Lynda
  12. MAX
  13. Lena
  14. Bobo
  15. Norm
  16. AddThis Social Bookmark Button

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31 Responses to “You are Toadally Awesome Award”

  1. […] the Universe awarded me with the You Make Me Smile!! award. Then Colin of Life awarded me with the You Are Totally Awesome!!!! award. Then The Teach of Work of the Poet awarded me with the Cool Cat award. Wow, what a great […]

  2. […] This award was by Kim over at PurpleFrogCat who awarded it to him previously here. […]

  3. […] ‘You Are Toadally Awesome’ Award from Lilyruth of Lilyruth’s “This and that friendly cottage” As I understand these was created by Kim ofPurpleFrogCat and was awarded to you also by him here. […]

  4. […] You are Toadally Awesome Award […]

  5. jesie said

    Thank you for the pleasant award. I appreciate it. Have a great weekend.

  6. cotojo said

    Shoshi – Thank you so much for your very kind comment 🙂
    It’s a pleasure and honor to include you and I am pleased that it cheered you up 😀
    Take care and have a great day

  7. shoshana said


    You’re so good at this blogging thing! I admire your energy, wow! 🙂

    Thank you for including me in this. It did cheer me up and I am going to post it in my blog post update on my son’s situation. Things are looking up!


  8. cotojo said

    Claudette – I’ll pop over and have a peep 🙂
    Give me some time before you tag me….I have such a backlog to catch up on with memes/tags/awards and posting on 5+ blogs lol
    Take care and have a great evening,

  9. Claudette said

    i did my one tag, come c….heehee…give me sum time and i gonna tag u to one……


  10. cotojo said

    Bluedreamer – You’re most welcome 🙂
    It’s always an honor to include new friends when passing on awards, it’s what makes the blogosphere the great place that it is.
    Have a wonderful day,

  11. cotojo said

    Lynda – You are so very welcome my dear friend 🙂
    I’m behind with everything hahaha
    Good luck with your art show, I hope that it is a great success 😀
    Thank you for your very kind comment too 🙂
    Have a wonderful day,
    Take care my friend,

  12. cotojo said

    Norm – You’re most welcome my dear friend 🙂
    post it when you have time, no rush LOL.
    I will pop over and see what lies in store on your blog 😀
    Have a wonderful day and take care,

  13. cotojo said

    Chuck – Brilliant my dear friend 🙂
    I have also seen some of your recipients too, wonderful choices 😀
    Have a wonderful day,
    Hugs to you,

  14. cotojo said

    Francine – You’re welcome little sis 😀
    I know your post was aimed at the girls, I just thought I would start it off with a guys point of view too LOL.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Hugs to you,

  15. wow thanks cotojo i really appreciate this award you gave thank you a million

  16. I see I am in extremely good company for this bestowed honor, Colin! Again, I send you my gratitude for your good will. And darn, I wish I could read the above comments in what I think are French, Spanish, and Italian. 🙂

    I too, am very behind with awards, and since I’m having an art show on Saturday of this week, I’ll have to get to this some time after my other belated award posts. But I will eventually pass it on. Thank you for the honor and for doing your part to build our blogging community! (I’ve never been “Toadally” anything, before!)


  17. Norm said

    thats awesome colin! thanks for that, promise to do it tomorrow and I have something for you also in my site here

  18. chuck said

    your love posted and passed along 😉

  19. FRANCINE said

    wow thanks vry much for this lovely award bro. i like the comments you left on my blog as well. its good to hear an opinion from a guy like you and hoping i’ll have more opinions from men about this porn videos

  20. cotojo said

    Lunes – Vous êtes la plupart de bienvenue à mon nouvel ami 😀
    C’est un honneur pour moi d’être en mesure de passer le long de prix et je le fais avec plaisir.
    Passez une bonne soirée
    Colin xxx

  21. Lunes said

    Oh Colin, t’es un vrai ange – merci

  22. cotojo said

    Chuck – It’s my pleasure and no thanks needed 🙂
    The best part for me is being able to pass awards along, and I like to include newer bloggers as well as a few of the older bloggers, it’s a fairer mix and also gives newer ones a bit of exposure 😀
    *bear hugs* back at ya
    Take care and have a great day my friend,

  23. chuck said

    Oh. My. Gosh. *jumping for joy* I am so thrilled! You have made blogging the best, Colin. I’m going to post this today and give it away as well. Sincerest thanks. *bear hug*

  24. cotojo said

    MAX – Você é muito bem-vindo meu caro amiga e agradeço as felicitações. A melhor parte é passar-lhes sobre a maravilhosa outros blogueiros 😀
    Ter um dia maravilhoso 🙂
    Abraços para você,

  25. cotojo said

    Lena – You are most welcome my dear friend, it’s nice to pass them on and I have got soooooooo many awards I’ve lost count LOL.
    Have a wonderful day ;D
    Take care,

  26. cotojo said

    Sandee – You’re most welcome my dear friend 🙂
    It’s a wicked award isn’t it LOL
    Hugs to you sweetie,
    Have a great day,

  27. Hey Colin,

    Congrats on your award…but mainly: grazie mille per averlo condiviso con me :D! You are a darling :D!


  28. lena said

    thank you, Colin, thats soooooooooooooooo sweet of you. Recently i have received soooooooooooo many of awards that now not sure how to pass them all on, will take lots of time 😀
    You really made my day with this award!! 🙂
    It is such an honour 🙂

  29. Thank you Colin. Now that’s totally awesome. I’ll have a post up by the end of the day. Big hug. 🙂

  30. cotojo said

    Hanna – Sono solo i terribili, Link Love nuovamente hahaha
    copy-paste, copy-paste, blog-roll, blog-roll 😀

    Hanno una splendida serata mio dolce amico,
    Baci e abbracci

  31. hanna said

    bella roba!

    we are more smart than tecnorati,
    hahaha,Colin,Thanx again :0)

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