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Archive for September 6th, 2007

Missing Maddie – Parents Quizzed Again

Posted by cotojo on September 6, 2007

The parents of missing 4 year-old Madeleine McCann are being re-interviewed by Portuguese police.

Gerry and Kate McCann

It has been reported that Kate and Gerry McCann arrived at the police station in Portimao this afternoon, accompanied ny her husband and lawyer.  It is believed that Kate McCann will be interviewed today and Gerry McCann is to be interviewed tomorrow. 

Reports also state that the McCanns were called by investigators on Monday and were asked to attend the interviews and that Kate McCann would be interviewed first. 

This is the second time that Kate has been formally interviewed by the police, the first time being on May 4, the day after Madeleine disappeared.

Gerry McCann has already been quizzed twice and it is also expected that the new interviews will be longer than earlier ones they have had.

Although the family were considering returning home to the UK, if there are any new developments they will stay in Portugal.

Portugese investigators are still saying very little but there are reports from unconfirmed sources, that there could soon be some arrests after DNA results yielded new information.

Missing Maddie

It is known that blood, hair and fibre samples were found by British forensic teams and sent to the UK for detailed analysis.  The results of these are not being made public at present.

Portugese investigators are still refusing to say whether any of the new DNA and forensic results have any link to Maddie or possible suspects.

The McCanns are furious with the Portugese investigators who have failed to keep them updated with new information, but there is now speculation of a major breakthrough within the next few days.

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How To Open Your Mouth and Put Your Foot In It With A Pen

Posted by cotojo on September 6, 2007

For your further entertainment, here are some extracts from letters received by the Gas Board which illustrate the pervasiveness of the unintentional double entendre. (Or how to open your mouth and put your foot in it with a pen).  

Your fitter wanted to try it in the coal place but we think it is better in the cupboard under the stairs.  

Can you move the meter so it won’t cause an obstruction in my passage?  

The Electric Man did it through the floorboards, but your man put it in my front passage where everybody can see it.  

I don’t like it as much in the Kitchen as I did in the Showroom window.  

Since you put a new pipe from the mains into the house, me and my Husband dread going to bed because of the slight discharge; we think there is a leak just after it enters.  

I have six children. If you don’t do something about the leak, the Coroner will blame you.  

The smell is awful, and when I light the oven it runs all over the house.  

I told my Husband it was safe to leave it in all night but he won’t. If he comes to the showroom like I did, can the Lady satisfy him behind the counter and talk him into it.  

I was told mine was no good, but if it’s altered I can get the North Sea in.  

I have heard there are two ways you can have it and it works out cheaper the more you get, if you have it the other way.  

I am not satisfied with the apprentice, so will you send a man to do it properly.  

My Wife will be ready for your man if you let her know when he is coming on a postcard.  

My Husband is pretty handy, but he says your men can do it better because of their tools.  

It has got slack with use and my Husband can’t make it tight no matter how he tries so for the time being we are making do with an old gas ring.  

My slot isn’t blocked now but your men made an awful mess banging their tools on the wall.  

Since I made an arrangement with your Salesman I am having a baby and would like to change it for a drying cabinet.  

My neighbour has a bigger one than me and it makes a big difference to the water when she fills the bath.  

It is about time your workmen came back to fill in the hole as we are fed up of having it in the street. It is a big attraction and we get children by the dozen.  

A woman is after this house says she is not keen on it so if she gets in can your men stand by to take it out before she comes.

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